flat self doll

Well, Flat Juana is on her way to Canada! Her hub and friends wished her a bon voyage!


JuanitaTortilla said…
Oh I love how CUTE Flat Juana is! I bet you are all going to miss her :)
Juana said…
I love too, because she is sooo flat and sooo tall!lol
I will miss her, but Flat Wendy is on her way to Italy, so I would not be alone during the Summer!
Wendy T. Gibson said…
okay! this is so awesome. wait till you hear who is coming with my flat self to Italy! My flat self is still here in Canada, waiting to connect with a very special someone who is also going to Italy to meet you Juana! I will blog about it today!

Jeannette said…
Love Flat Juana and your pictures of the hub and friends saying gooodbye. ;)
Looking forward to your corner view.
Have a great evening, Jeannette
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