Hello everybody! Here I am again! I miss all of you, and thanks to those that visited my little blog while I've been away!
Well, holidays are at the end, I am home trying to survive, in the middle of this hot Summer, to housekeeping, paying bills, going to supermarket and trying to convince my two men and the cat that it's too hot to eat!lol
Anyway, here there is a first sight of my holidays: First Day (and following week): Cleaning and dusting after the house repairs, and Last Day: Our car ready to be loaded for the way back home. In the middle: Summer Fair at the town, beautiful! Orvieto, in Umbria, charming, Middle August pic-nic at the lake...Well, things and pics I will be telling you, as time goes by...
Thank you for the warm birthday wishes to Fauna and the email card, she loved it. We printed it out and put it on her wall. It means a lot!
Lisa :)
I love that illustrator, her name is Nicoletta Costa and she is a very sweet person!