Corner View "Wood"

son's rough wood working table (with cat eating thyme!)
olive wood hand made spoons
olive wood handmade cutting boards
ancient wood handmade toys

old wood cellar's door
Wood it's one of my favorite materials. A wood floor or an old wood table makes your house warm and cosy and the wax smell brings childhood memories. I love too the old, battered cellar's doors or the olive wood objects so popular in Italy. And what about those humble handmade toys? Now we can found them at the museums, since consumism made them "out" for our technologized children!


Joyce said…
I'm so in love with the homemade spoons and cutting boards. Even the vintage door. Beautiful wood in your corner my friend. xo
JuanitaTortilla said…
Like you too, I love wood. It changes the atmosphere in the home! My preferred kitchen and serving utensils are wood too :D Too bad they cannot be put into the oven :D
nadine paduart said…
i'm loving the spoons, the boards, the toys.
hell, i'm even loving the cat eating thyme!
Bonnie said…
i love the spoons and cutting boards ! they are wonderful !!!
Francesca said…
Sorry I missed this CV! I love olive wood, my dream is to have one day an olive grove :)

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