What is my favorite plate? If I must choose one, that should be ravioli, or tortellini with butter and salve. I enjoy cooking, I've been doing it since I hung my backpack and became a housewife many years ago.
But my favorite plate it is also that I share with my family and friends...
... And the dishes our son cooks for us when he comes back from
Berlin, where he lives and works as a visual artist... |
...And a simple fried egg becomes a restaurant dish... |
... Or at a Berlin, when we went to visit him and he invited to eat at
the restaurant where he worked, (artists must pay the rent too)|
A delicious panna cotta and strawberries |
... And a superb and simple pastasciutta. Good thing I had had him
in the kitchen when I cooked, since he was a baby! |
Favorite plate it is also sharing a table with the neighbors on the street,
at the village where we now spend most of the year.
Buon Appetito!